

군용항공기 소음 피해의 쟁점 및 법적 고찰

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일09-06-10 00:00 조회37회 댓글0건


Legal consideration of noise damage caused by military aircraft

Lee, Man Jong

Lawsuits regarding noise damage caused by military aircraft has been increasing recently throughout the country.
Joint bases, which are used by American aircraft and Korean Airforce, and airfields, which are used by civilian aircraft and the military, are the focal point of these lawsuits.
However, the compensation for noise damage caused by military aircraft is dealt with under the state tort liability act. That is why it can’t be a fundamental solution, but only a temporary one.
Therefore, from a political standpoint, the government should make arrangements to relocate the residents who live in areas with serious noise problems and to install sound proof facilities for the residents who live in less noise areas.
On the other hand, from a legislative standpoint, we should quickly enact the Special Law Regarding Noise Problems in Military Airfields and to support the Surrounding Areas. This law is currently endorsed by the Ministry of National Defense.
 This should be considered in order to lessen the discomfort caused by the noise of military aircraft and to restore faith in the military.
We should consider both political and legal aspects of the issue, and then present appropriate legislation.


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